The LibreOffice yearly conference is THE annual community meeting and a great opportunity to discuss and share ideas with contributors, companies and public administrations from all over the world.
Our team was involved in internal meetings like the board of directors and the community meeting. The board met the new elected membership committee and discussed strategies and plans for The Document Foundation. The community meeting offered the opportunity to discuss about the internal daily jobs and workflows of the LibreOffice community. As active contributors, we are more than happy to support the Foundation and the community itself.
With the official start of the conference we had the opportunity to meet Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana, that opened the conference with his inspiring and welcoming message.
During the conference CIB presented the last features implemented and the services available also thanks to our LTS support and consultancies.

Our commitment to the project is not only focused on developing LibreOffice but we are involved in several areas.
We strongly believe in open standards and open formats like ODF for breaking the vendors lock-in. We recognize the importance of data security and privacy with digital signatures. A usable product in terms of user experience and accessibility should support new and modern desktop environments and our developers are working hard in order to achieve this goal. We provide our services and experience for large migrations to LibreOffice following the official TDF protocols and we also provide free support to final users for free.
You can discover more here.
Let´s CIB!