FLISoL, LibreItalia conference, German and Spanish community meetings
In April and May we demonstrated our commitment towards the open source community: dedicating four weekends completely to LibreOffice and its local communities!
15° FLISoL (Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre)
On April 27, CIB attended the the largest Latin American Free Software advocacy event aimed at all types of audiences. For the first time it took place in Munich, Germany. The aim: to share experiences and knowledge about free and open source software with conversations, demos and workshops. Our team contributed with a speech about LibreOffice and the improvements available thanks to the commitment of German public administrations.
Have a look at our presentation.
German LibreOffice community meeting
The following weekend, from May 3 to 5, our team joined the German LibreOffice community meeting organized by The Document Foundation at Linuxhotel in Essen. The aim: This annual fixed date represents the opportunity to summarize what has been achieved during the last year and to plan new activities.

Focusing on the international rather than just the German market, relationships with other LibreOffice communities are constantly growing. For this reason, from May 11 to 12, we attended the 6th LibreItalia Conference, the annual meeting of the Italian LibreOffice community which took place in Palermo, Sicily.
Next step: Spanish LibreOffice community meeting in Valencia on May 25.
Let’s CIB!