CIB visiting FOSDEM 2019

A new edition of FOSDEM (Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting) just ended. Our CIB office Team this year was represented by Thorsten Behrens, Michael Stahl and Marina Latini.

The event is held annually during the first weekend of February, at the “Université Libre de Bruxelles“. For our team, attending FOSDEM means to be involved in a full week of meetings and collateral events related to LibreOffice and other open source communities.

This year “The Document Foundation” changed the ordinary schedule, organizing the majority of the internal meetings before the conference itself started. Like the company is actively involved in the LibreOffice ecosystem, the outcomes were really good, including for CIB.

The week started with the well established two-day Hackfest on January 30th and 31st. These days, our team also attended the Certification Committee and the Board of Directors” meetings

The “LibreOffice Certification Program” organized by “The Document Foundation” certifies the growth and the expertise of all the professionals who are constantly involved in the LibreOffice ecosystem. The main focus is professional support for development, training and migration to LibreOffice. We can provide certified Suporte técnico for each area guaranteed by the certification program.

Friday 1st was a whole day of meetings with the Board, the Membership Committee and the team.  From Saturday 2nd on, CIB was attending the two-day conference: In the “Open Document Editors devroom” Michael Stahl was presenting the important changes done for improving the Traced Changes. The full recording with the slides is available here. Thorsten Behrens was presenting how to Cross-build LibreOffice for x86 architecture with Docker. Click here for the presentation and slides.

After the technical presentations, our team ended the first day of FOSDEM with the annual community dinner, a nice networking evening at “Betacowork Coworking Brussels”. Three different kinds of pasta were directly cooked by the “LibreItalia community” together with our Marina Latini.

The last day of FOSDEM was a great networking opportunity to meet in person several community members and companies involved in the open source ecosystem. From 12 till 15 o´ clock the LibreOffice certification exams took place – and we are proud to announce that Katarina and Thorsten Behrens were certified as LibreOffice professional trainers.

Stay tuned for more insights and…

let’s CIB!

CIB Group

Especialistas em digitalização