Generate and process e-invoices - in compliance with the law and in all formats

With the electronic invoice we protect the environment and make business processes more efficient:





More efficient accounting through digitalization and automation

Secure the processing of your e-bills with CIB solutions:

Once connected, you can always generate the desired e-bill format from your systems with the same software.

The automated processing of e-invoices saves a lot of time and secures the result, since there are no errors when typing.

More efficient processes ensure your company and your business partners reliable standards in terms of digitalization – and thus achieve significant cost reductions.

Contact us!

eInvoice from CIB for all suppliers and partners of the BMW Group

Your e-bill as an end user / small business owner

CIB eInvoice

Create an e-invoice from an existing document?

The easiest way is to generate your e-bill directly in the cloud! We help you to turn invoices that have already been created in digital format into legally compliant e-invoices!

Our recommendation:


CIB doXiview - our web-based cloud solution to conjure up e-invoices from many different formats directly in the browser!

word excel eRechnung

Create e-invoices from existing Office templates

After a simple and flexible installation, all you have to do is adapt your invoice templates with color markings* to receive e-invoices directly from your usual system.

Our recommendation:


CIB pdf brewer Business – the professional PDF complete solution with Word add-in for easy creation of e-invoices!

The integrated e-billing solutions for medium-sized companies and corporations

firm eRechnung

Companies with their own accounting software?

Automate the generation of e-invoices with our modules. Your system transfers the data to our solution, which takes over all further steps up to the finished e-bill!

Our recommendation:


CIB invoice toolbox Our solution for creating and evaluating e-invoices with support for a variety of formats!

ERP eRechnung

As an ERP system provider, generate e-invoices from your system?

With the integration of our solutions it is possible! Your ERP system transfers the data for generating the e-invoices to the CIB solution, which does the rest in accordance with the standards! Also available as an OEM license!

Our recommendation:


CIB invoice toolbox and CIB ZUGFeRD SDK for integrating our solution into your business software. We are happy to help!

eInvoice from CIB for all suppliers and partners of the BMW Group

e-rechnung BMW

To ensure a smooth invoice transfer for all suppliers and partners of the BMW Group, the invoices issued must comply with a form specially defined by BMW.

With CIB pdf brewer Business you can easily and guaranteed fulfil all specifications of the BMW invoice requirements:

You can download the user guide from our secure CIB doXisafe cloud: einvoice_BMW). 

E-invoice FAQ:

To comply with the EU e-Invoicing Directive, an invoice must be issued, transmitted and received in a “structured electronic format” that also “allows for automatic and electronic processing” (204/55/EU Art. 2).

A PDF alone is considered a so-called unstructured format and is therefore not an e-bill according to the definition of the EU Directive. An exception here are so-called “hybrid formats” (e.g. ZUGFeRD), which attach the e-bill data as a structured XML file to an archivable PDF.

All the information that is also found on a legally compliant paper invoice is mandatory on an e-bill.

Primarily cost and time savings, as many work steps can be automated. In addition, the environment is protected through lower paper consumption. The archiving of electronic invoices also saves space. Electronic invoices can also be automatically checked for correctness and completeness.

Currently, our client-based solutions support ZUGFeRD 1 (Basic and Comfort), ZUGFeRD 2/Factur-X (Basic and Comfort), XRechnung 1.2/2.0 and FatturaPA. Our web-based cloud solution currently supports ZUGFeRD 1 Basic.

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Are you fit for e-billing?

Get in touch with us! We will be happy to advise you

Accessible and AI-supported automation!