CIB team building: 30 pizzas and lots of fun

Last Thursday, 30 colleagues who work regularly both in the office and from home met in Munich to enjoy a delicious pizza together.

It was an opportunity to reconnect, share personal stories and exchange ideas for future projects. The atmosphere was warm and relaxed, and it was nice to see the team gathered to enjoy an evening together.
Besides pizza, there was a lot of fun and entertainment. We played table football, pool and took the time to throw some darts. There was no shortage of laughter and fun.

Teambuilding for all

We are already looking forward to the next event, where we will once again have the opportunity to share wonderful moments together: In the next article, we will report on how our colleagues in Valencia cook pasta together, walk through the beautiful Albufera and eat on the beach.

Let´s CIB! 

CIB Group

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