CIB Sponsoring: Carlos Steiner wins first prize in research competition

This year’s winner of Jugend forscht Iberia in the category of physics has made it to the finals of the national competition in Bundeswettbewerb Germany and secured the first prize for himself. We congratulate the young researcher on this extraordinary achievement! 

Sponsored, mastered!

The promotion of young talents has a high priority at CIB. Consequently, it was a heartfelt matter for us to support the student Carlos Steiner in his participation in the finals of the Jugend forscht competition in Germany. This year’s winner is from the German school of SevilleCarlos Steiner was awarded 1st prize in the field of physics and has made it through to the finals of the national competition in Germany. Carlos Steiner , accompanied by his supervising teacher Ernesto Civera, traveled from Seville to Lübeck to present his research project “Stable Levitation – Investigation of Horizontal and Vertical Diamagnetic Levitation” to the competition jury. With success: The project was awarded 1st prize in the field of physics.. 

The jury’s laudation reads:  

“The jury was particularly impressed by the stringent theoretical consideration of the phenomenon, which enabled Carlos Steiner Navarro to provide a conclusive explanation for his experimental results. He impressed with a deep understanding of the complex mechanisms of magnetism. With his project, he has demonstrated a very high level of investigative spirit and perseverance in scientific work.” 

CIB Impulsa: sponsor prize in Munich

With an invitation to Munich, CIB Group Managing Director Dipl. Ing. Ulrich Brandner offers the opportunity for a personal recognition. Furthermore, the young researcher will have the opportunity to present his research project in front of CIB staff and German scientists as well as to receive his special prize from CIB in person.  

Youth research Iberia 2023

Since 2017, CIB has been a partner of German schools and supports young talents within the framework of the funding program CIB Impulsa. Due to the good cooperation with by now a total of six German schools on the Iberian Peninsula, this year CIB has taken over the sole sponsorship for the regional competition Jugend forscht Iberia 2022, which was hosted by the German School Sevilla “Albrecht Dürer”.   

Likewise in 2023, CIB will take over the sponsorship for Jugend forscht Iberia, in Lisbon – we are already looking forward to many new ideas and projects from our young researchers! 

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