CIB proActive: Focus on the energy transition at the European trade fair for batteries and energy

The trade fair for batteries and energy storage systems (EES) is Europe's largest and most international platform, bringing together experts, manufacturers, and innovators worldwide.
From February 22 to 23, this year's Jugend forscht Regional Competition Iberia will take place at the German School of Lisbon under the motto "Make up your mind". CIB is once again the exclusive sponsor of the competition this year.
As a partner of Jugend forscht, CIB Grou supported this year's conference in Ingolstadt in early September. Federal, state and regional commissioners, directors and volunteers met to discuss the future direction of the Jugend forscht e.V. foundation.
Lissabon, 16.02. – 17.02.2023  Mach Ideen groß! Als Jugend forscht Iberia Juror und Alleinsponsor ist CIB auch 2023 beim alljährlichen regionalen Wettbewerb für junge Wissenschaftler auf der

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