CIB Sponsoring: Youth research Iberia 2022 – “Being there is everything!”

Last Wednesday, 16 February, the award ceremony of this year’s “Jugend forscht Iberia” took place. The regional competition was organised and hosted by the German School Sevilla. CIB was represented by our staff member and graduate physicist Miguel Rebelo.

During the award ceremony, Ernesto Civera, the teacher mainly responsible for the organisation, expressed his special thanks to CIB and its managing director Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Brandner, who took over the sole sponsorship for the organisation of the competition this year:

A special thanks goes to the company CIB and their C.E.O.. Mr Ulrich Brandner. We are securing the future of the competition with their help and support!”

Click here to see, the welcoming speech by C.E.O. Ulrich Brandner on video.

For the second year in a row in digital format, Jugend forscht Iberia nevertheless did not lose any of its excitement and quality. Numerous innovative projects by young researchers were presented in the M.I.N.T. fields of the world of work, biology, chemistry, earth and space sciences, mathematics, computer science, physics and technology. A total of eleven projects were in the running for 1st place within the framework of Jugend forscht and 13 more for Schüler experimentieren.

However, Jugend forscht is not a competition in which the students lose or win. Quite the opposite: “It’s about following in the footsteps of scientists and shaping the future,” said Civera – or as Brandner added, alluding to the spirit of the Olympic Games: “Taking part is everything!”

We warmly congratulate all participants for their great commitment and wish the winners, who will travel to the state competition in North Rhine-Westphalia, continued success

Did you know? In 2022, CIB will support six German schools abroad in Spain and Portugal and thus continue to set a strong example in the promotion of young talent as part of the CIB Impulsa sponsorship programme..

Let’s CIB!

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