CIB Sponsoring: Jugend forscht Iberia 2024 is coming!

From February 21 to 23, this year's Jugend forscht Regional Competition Iberia will take place at the German School of Lisbon under the motto "Make up your mind". CIB is once again the exclusive sponsor of the competition this year.

Large participation with 55 school projects

A total of 93 young researchers from 10 German schools in Spain and Portugal will take part in the competition and present a total of 55 projects from the STEM subjects to the jury. This means that the number of participants has doubled compared to the previous year. We see this as a sign of our joint successful work, which would not have been possible without the sponsorship of CIB with owner Ulrich Brandner and the great commitment of the German School Lisbon as host.

We wish all participants every success and look forward to an exciting competition in Lisbon with lots of inspiring projects!

Promoting young talent from CIB

As part of the CIB Impulsa program, CIB promotes innovative ideas in the fields of research and technology and supports pupils and students on their way into professional life. In Spain and Portugal, CIB supports German schools with a focus on promoting STEM subjects and youth research. As a sponsor and partner, we accompany the young researchers and continuously expand our cooperation with the schools on this basis.

You can find more information about our Jugend forscht partnership here.

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