AI expert meeting: CIB and Munich Datageeks open the lecture season

Last Thursday, an important expert meeting of the AI scene took place at CIB in Munich, organized in cooperation with Munich Datageeks. Over 100 AI researchers and interested parties gathered in our CIB modul-E to take part in this exciting event. In addition to top-class expert presentations, there was plenty of opportunity for intensive exchange and networking.

The presentations: Insights into innovative AI research

Our speaker and AI researcher Konrad Grosser presented the first lecture with the topic "Pretraining Multimodal Transformers for Document Understanding".

Konrad inspired his audience with a captivating personal account of the challenges and difficulties he had to overcome in developing a ground-breaking multimodal language model. This innovative model represents the state of the art in artificial intelligence.

He gave an insight into the fascinating world of training a large multimodal language model that responds not only to text, but also to different modalities such as images and sound. The development of such models not only opens up new horizons in AI research, but also promises to have a concrete impact on society.

It is particularly important to emphasize that this progress in AI will help to better integrate visually impaired people.

The result of this intensive work could mean that people with visual impairments gain easier access to the world of information through improved linguistic and multimodal interactions with digital systems.

Ourfortschrittliche KI-Technologie eröffnet somit nicht nur eine Welt neuer Möglichkeiten, sondern trägt auch zu einer inklusiven Gesellschaft bei.

Dr. Florian Haselbeck impressed the audience with his presentation "Advancing Synthetic Protein Design with Large Language Models".

The focus was on the application of large language models for the further development of synthetic protein design. Haselbeck gave fascinating insights into the interpretation of protein sequences as the "language of proteins" and showed how these can be processed with the help of large language models. He went into particular detail on topics such as protein folding. 

The main topic was the thermostability of proteins and the search for new synthetic proteins! He compared approaches based on older AI models with simple machine learning models and found comparable performances. In the end, an LLM showed the best performance.

The audience was enthusiastic about the findings presented. At the same time, Dr. Florian Haselbeck was warmly congratulated on his forthcoming professorship.

CIB Quiz

This time too, our CIB quiz was held with questions - how could it be otherwise - on the topic of artificial intelligence

Networking with finger food

As is usual at all CIB events, there was no shortage of socializing in addition to the professional exchange. Finger food and drinks rounded off the event perfectly.

These events provide an excellent opportunity for knowledge sharing and collaboration within the AI community. We look forward to continuing to provide a platform for such meetings and to drive forward the active development of AI technologies. Next year, we will kick off the season together again.

We are hiring!

The expert meeting not only offered the opportunity to exchange ideas about innovative research, but also to explore potential career opportunities.

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