

The challenge



Artificial intelligence


Automatic mailing

The Solution

Digitization with AI and automation in the application processing of the regional Administration

In 2020, the pandemic hit many citizens hard in terms of health and finances.

The Infection Protection Act provides for the possibility of compensation for loss of income both in the case of quarantines ordered by the authorities and in the case of nationwide Corona infections.

The challenge

From 2021 onwards, tens of thousands of claims for loss of income compensation had to be processed manually due to COVID. The prognosis: high personnel and time expenditure in administration, long waiting times for applicants.

The expected effort was very high. A digital and process-based solution with artificial intelligence could solve this.

The solution: From manual processing to automated workflow

After analysing the use case, CIB implemented a work process automation system with the help of artificial intelligence:

Achieved goals

90% optimization achieved

Shortening from 2 years to  5 months
From 80 to  8 administratives

Up to 600 notices processed and sent per day

28.000 applications processed

Digitalize more efficiently with automation and AI!