CIB Code of Summer: Workshop DevOps@CIB – Past Realities, Present Successes and Future Aspirations

As part of our event week in Munich with over 120 participants from all CIB locations, the event "DevOps@CIB - Past Realities, Present Successes, and Future Aspirations" took place on 12 July at CIB modulE. The workshop was aimed at the development team and anyone interested in the complex and fascinating world of DevOps. The meeting served as a platform for the exchange of ideas, insights and feedback to improve our development processes and tools.

Shaping the Future of DevOps at CIB

The workshop focused on a comprehensive presentation with practical demonstrations and discussions about the currently available solutions. A wide range of topics were covered, from theoretical parts such as the CALMS model and the DevOps lifecycle to a detailed insight into DevOps development at CIB.

The presentation of company standards and best practices as well as an exciting outlook on future plans rounded off our workshop. At CIB, our DevOps strategy focuses on optimising software development, delivery and operations processes. These goals are key and drove both the presentation and the conversations.

Looking Forward and up to the future

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The meeting was a successful exploration of the past, present and future of DevOps at CIB - and another step on the way to realizing our vision of the future - a world shaped by the continuous improvement and development of our CIB digitalization solutions. After all, we firmly believe that progress is only possible through shared knowledge and feedback.

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CIB Group

Experts in digitalization